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Regular attendance is critically important to student success.  If you are not here, you are missing out on quality instruction time!



Children should not be sent to school when they are not feeling well.  It is district policy that students be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school (without fever reducing medication). When a student is absent, please send an email to  If sending an email is not an option, please call the 24-hour absence line when your child will not be in school.  That number is (949) 443-3847.  Parents have 72 hours to verify the student's absence with our attendance clerk.  After 72 hours of the absence, the absence will be marked unexcused in the student's attendance record.  
Illness and doctor or dental appointments are considered excused absences.  Attendance at the funeral of an immediate family member is also considered excused.  ALL other absences are recorded as unexcused.  Please make every effort to have children in attendance at school unless they are ill.  The district office will issue notification letters to parents of students after the third unexcused absence.
For planned absences of 3 days or greater, please contact our attendance clerk about an independent study contract.


Students are considered tardy after 7:45am.  Students report to the front office for a tardy slip when they are late.  Excused tardies are for illness or doctor appointments.  All other tardies (i.e. car trouble, overslept, etc.) are unexcused.  If your child has an unexcused tardy exceeding 30 minutes, that tardy is considered a truancy.  After the third truancy or third unexcused  absences, a letter is sent to parents regarding their student's attendance.  Additionally, when students are signed out before the school day ends, their partial absence is counted like a tardy for the day.