Kim Zegley
Thursday, Feb. 27
Read: Read: 20 mins.
Finish TYBM chapters 12-13
Math: Math Book: page 224
Homework book: pgs. 135-136
Thursday, Feb. 27
Read: Read: 20 mins.
Finish research for opinion topic
Math: Test tomorrow
Wednesday, Feb. 26
Read: Finish questions for chapters 6-7 for Two Years Before the Mast.
Math: Unit 5 review: pgs. 203-208
Wednesday, Feb. 12
Read: Read chapters 4-5 of Two Years Before the Mast; answer questions
Math: Metric paper
Science Video: Watch video and answer questions in notebook: How to get to videos...
1. Go to Malcom Wesite
2. Click on Students
3. Click on Student Links
4. Click on Clever
5. Click on FOSS
6. Click on the book that says Soils, Rocks, and Landforms
7. Under Media Library, find Streaming Videos (English) Click on it.
8. Find weatherin and erosion Click on it.
9. Watch chapters 5, 6, and 7.
Wednesday, Jan. 29
Read: Practice speech.
Math: Homework Book: 111-112 all
Socialt Studies: Come dressed for wax museum tomorrow
Bring school clothes to change into
Wednesday, Jan. 22
Read: 20 mins.
Math: Math Book: pg. 160; 6-9
Homework Book: 105-106 all
Socialt Studies: Speech due tomorrow
Friday, Jan 17
Math: Math Book: pg. 157-158 (6-8)
H.W. Book: pg. 103
Social St.: Why they are famous section due - Tuesday
Thursday, Jan 16
Read: 20 mins.
* Directive Detective
Wednesday, Jan 15
Read: 20 mins.
Social St.: Education section - due Thursday
Tuesday, Jan 14
Read: 20 mins.
Math: Math Book: pg. 154; 4-8
H.W. Book: pg. 101
Computer: White Water Graphing (Clever - Think Central)
Social St.: Education section - due Thursday
*Bring Yoga Mat
Monday, Jan. 13
Read: 20 mins.
Math: H.W. Book pgs. 99-100
Social St.: Completed Childhood/Family section - typed and printed
Thursday, Jan. 9
Read: 20 mins
Math: H.W. Book pgs. 95-96
Social Studies: Complete childhood/family of the note packet
Wednesday, Jan. 8
Read: 20 mins
Math: H.W. Book pgs. 93-94
Social Studies: Complete Childhood/Family of the note packet for the wax museum.
Tuesday, Dec. 17
Read: 20 mins.
Math: Study for unit 3 test
Thursday, Dec. 12
Read: 20 mins
Math: Finish Cluebuster #7
Math Book: Pg. 121; 11-13
Pg. 122: 23-26
*Practice for the musical.
Wednesday, Dec. 11
Read: 20 mins
Finish Perplexer
Math: Math Book:
Pg. 117; 1-8
Pg. 118; 12-17
Pg. 120; 3-13
*Practice musical songs and acts
Monday, Dec. 9
Read: 20 mins.
Math: Math Book pgs. 113-114
Musical: Practice songs/lines/dances
* Yoga on Wednesday. Bring a mat or towel.
Thursday, Dec. 5
Read: 20 mins
Math: Math Book pg 106, 11-19
Check out this helpful video
Friday: P.J. Day - Bring a pair/wear a pair
Wednesday, Dec. 4
Read: 20 mins.
Writing: finish typing noun poem.
Math: 3 questions - check out the helpful video
Musical: practice songs
* Friday: P.J. Day - Bring a pair/wear a pair
Tuesday, Dec. 3
Read: 20 mins.
Writing: finish noun poem
Math: H.W. Book pg. 67, 1-18
Musical: practice songs
* Friday: P.J. Day - Bring a pair/wear a pair
Monday, Dec. 2
Read: 20 mins.
Writing: Finish slides
Math: Division worksheet
Tuesday, Nov. 19
Social Studies: finish flash cards
Math: finish unit 2 review
*Bring yoga mat or beach towel for yoga. Wear appropriate clothes.
Monday, Nov. 18
Read: 20 mins.
Writing: Complete Google slide for Habitat
Math: pages 87-88
Social Studies: Worksheet 64T6
* Bring a yoga mat or beach towel on Wednesday for yoga. Wear appropriate clothes.
Thursday, Nov. 14
Read: 20 min
Writing: "Appearance" Google slide - make sure it is complete (topic sentence, 3-4 detail sentences, and a closing sentence)
Math: worksheet
Social Studies: 56T6
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Read: 20 mins.
Writing: Finish facts for the "parenting" section of the note packet
Math: Homework book: pg. 53 #1-8
*Animal picture due Nov. 13 (Do not do anything with the picture - just bring the picture in its entirety).
* Permission Slip
Monday, Nov. 4
Read: 20 mins
Writing: Finish facts for the "survival" section of the animal packet
Math: Homework Book: pg. 51 (#1-6)
pg. 52 all
*Begin looking for animal picture - due Wednesday, Nov. 13
* Bring a clear, clean 2 liter bottle (or bigger) with cap (within the next two weeks).
Wednesday, Oct 30
Read: 20 mins
Writing: Facts for the "Diet" section of the animal packet.
Math: Homework Book: pgs. 49-50
* Come with a calm, respectful attitude
* Wear your Halloween costume
Tuesday, Oct. 29
Read: 20 mins
Math: Math Book pg. 67. Page 68 (evens only) show your work
Writing: Facts for the "Habitat" section of the animal packet
Monday, Oct. 28
Read: 30 mins
Math: Multiplication page B
Writing: Facts for the appearance (only) section of the animal packet
Thursday, Oct. 24
Read: 20 mins.
Math: #1-8 in notebook
Writing: Finish "Write the Missing Topic Sentence"
Do: "Find the Topic Sentence"
* Wear a team jersey for RRW
Wednesday, Oct. 23
Read: 20 mins.
Writing: Finish Thank You card
* Wear school colors or spirit wear tomorrow:-)
Tuesday, Oct. 22
Read: 20 mins
Math: Math book (pg. 62, 5-10)
Homework Book (pgs. 43-44)
*Field Trip tomorrow: Dress nicely
*Bring permission slip
* Bring a healthful snack for RRW
Monday, Oct. 21
Read: 20 mins.
Math: Distributive Property #1-8
Formative Assessment
Wear Red
Permission Slip
Thursday, Oct. 17
Read: 20 mins
Math: Homework Book pg. 41-42 (not #8)
Social Studies: Finish final draft of Family Seal
* Tomorrow is Incentive Day*
* Wear crazy socks,
* Crazy hair
* Bring a board game
* Bring a stuffed animal
Thursday, Oct 10
* No homework!
* Bring dried beans
Tuesday, Oct. 8
Read: 20 mins
Math: Math Book pgs. 51-52 # 7-17
Social Studies: Family Seal...have an adult proofread your writing and sign it
* Bring your permission slip for the zoo
Thursday, Oct. 3
Read: 20 mins
Literature: Complete summary for chapter 27 and print
Read chapter 28
Work on chapters poster
Math: Math Book...complete page 47.
*Permission Slip
Tuesday, Oct. 1
Read: 20 mins
Literature: IOBD: read chapter 25
Answer questions for chapters 19-22
Social Studies: Finish reading pages pgs. 27-28; answer question 5 on page 27 and 1 and 2 on page 28.
Thursday, Sept. 26
Read: 20 mins.
Literature: IOBD comprehension questions chapters 19-21
Math: Test tomorrs:ow
Social Studies: Finish reading pgs. 16-18, answer questions 6-8 and questions on pg. 18
* Store tomorrow
Wednesday, Sept. 25
Read: 20 mins.
Writing: Respect paper (parent signature)
Math: Study for test on Friday
* Store on Friday
Tuesday, Sept. 24
Read: 20 mins
Literature: IOBD read chapter 18
Finish paragraph for chapter 17
Math: Finish pgs. 37- 42
Math Test on Friday
Picture Day Tomorrow!
Thursday, Sept. 19
Read: 20 mins.
Literature: IOBD, answer comprehension questions for chapters 13-15
Math: Finish Mega Math on computer (Malcom Website - CLEVER- THINK CENTRAL)
Finish math book: pg. 30, #5-14
Wednesday, Sept. 18
Read: 20 mins.
Read: 20 mins.
Literature: Read chapter 14, IOBD
Math: Fluency check 1 and 2 pages 122 and 123 (worksheet)
Social Studies: Read pg. 4, answer questions 1 and 2
Tuesday, Sept. 17
Read: 20 mins.
Math: Finish math book page 26, # 9-13
Homework book page 19
Monday, Sept. 16
Read: 20 mins
Literature: Complete packet for chapters 10-12
Math: Finish math book page 24; # 16-26
Homework book page 17; all
Thursday, Sept. 12
Read: 20 mins.
Literature: Read chapter 10 IOBD
Writing: Finish typing paragraphs for chapters 3/4, 5/6, 7, and 9 IOBD.
BTSN: Tonight! (K-2) 6:30, (3-5) 7:20 Room 15
Wednesday, Sept 11
Read: 20 mins.
Literature: Read chapter 9 IOBD
Complete packet for chapters 7-9
Writing: Finish typing name page (If possible, print and bring to class tomorrow).
BTSN: Tomorrow night... 4th grade 7:20 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 5
Read: 20 min
Writing: Complete What's in a Name? paper.
Math: Homework Book pg. 9
Wednesday, September 4
Read: 20 minutes
Language Arts: Read chapter 3 of Island of the Blue Dolphins.(IOBD)
Complete Chapters 1-3 of comprehension questions
Math: Pages 12 in Math Book
Thursday, August 29
Read: 30 minutes
* Review and sign the 3R's matrix
Wednesday, August 28
Read: 20 mins
Finish reading Scholastic New (take Be a Quiz Whiz)
Math: Finish Homework pages 3 and 4
Tuesday, August 27
Read: 20 minutes
Writing: Finish cursive pgs. 6-7
Finish Perplexer 3-4
Monday, August 26
Read: 20 minutes
Math: Homework Book pages 1-2
Writing: Finish "I am Unique"
* School Supply money
* Miss Clink's permission slip
* Technology pledge
* White Envelope forms
Wednesday, August 21
Reading: 20 minutes
Reminder: P.E. tomorrow
Sign papers in white envelope
Send in money for school supplies